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Sakarya Soccer Team

Sakaryaspor is not only a football team but love. All people from 7 to 70 are interested in it.  This love is so great that it is difficult to squeeze it into small human bodies. Namely, Sakaryaspor is involved in every piece of our life. Whenever there is a match at the weekend, life literally stops in Sakarya. In addition, it unites everyone and creates a close friendship among people. That is why its fans laugh or cry together, that is to say, Sakaryaspor is the main source of solidarity among people. In short, Sakaryaspor has a special part in our hearts.

Bir yorum

  1. ademhoca ademhoca 03 Mart 2011

    Altı çizili kısımlar anlaşılmadı. Düşünceni farklı şekilde tekrar ifade etmeye çalış.

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