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Education for girls

Topic: Elaborate on the subject of girls’ education in society.

Education is one of the most crucial keys that we must hold in our hands while struggling against life as it means money, home, respect, and many other things today. Although it is such an important thing, in some parts of our society, people make discriminations against their daughters and do not allow them to go to school. However, with the growing interest in this issue, campaigns have been launched lately, and thus girls’ attendance to school has risen significantly. This shows that parents are now well aware of the fact that girls’ education should not be neglected.

First of all, God has endowed men and women with equal rights and equal brains to handle difficulties altogether. Namely, boys and girls have the same capacity to grasp things around them. Therefore, if a boy can succeed in something, it means that girls can also do the same. Nearly twenty years ago, there was not high attendance to universities by girls because they were just supposed to do the washing-up and look after their siblings, whereas today girls’ conditions have remarkably improved and they have achieved very important positions in society.

Secondly, today’s girls are the mothers of future, that is to say, they are those who will teach the next generation how to be a good citizen. For that reason, if girls are deprived of schooling and considered second class citizens, it is out of the question to bring up a good future generation. This will definitely lead to serious problems not only for families but also for the country and society. In short, girls are the backbone of the society’s welfare and the country’s development.

Suffice it to say that education is one of the major necessities of today’s world. It is equally vital for both boys and girls. In my opinion, it is their natural right to take part in society after receiving good education. The only thing to accomplish is that parents should enable their daughters go to school and the government should support these parents.

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