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Causes of Suicide

   All people on the Earth naturally have some problems whether minor or major. They sometimes need to make great efforts to ameliorate the negative conditions in their lives. However, a person who commits suicide tries to end his life by leaving all these ways of struggle. Therefore, suicide is different from other cases. Unfortunately, suicide is among the top 10 causes of deaths in all countries, notably the USA. The number of people committing suicide is increasing day by day and suicide becomes an important social problem. According to the World Health Organization, suicide rates have increased by 60% over the past 45 years. Furthermore, one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds and one person attempts suicide every 3 seconds. In line with these pieces of information, the causes of suicide are one of the most intriguing matters. There are three main reasons why people commit suicide: diseases, financial difficulties and stressful life events.

   One of the most important causes of suicide is diseases. Mental and physical illnesses cause many people to commit suicide. However, mental illnesses cause more suicide than physical illnesses. Anxiety, bipolar disorder, depression and schizophrenia are the leading mental illnesses. Among these diseases, depression is one of the most determining factors causing people to commit suicide. A person who is depressed often thinks that everyone is happier without him. In addition to this, suicide rate is high among people with fatal and severe diseases. Such people tend to kill themselves so as to speed up the ends they see inevitably. Moreover, even suicidal tendencies can sometimes be observed in people with improved conditions.

    Another important cause of suicide is financial difficulty. Nowadays, one of the most important problems of young people and adult is economic distress. Sometimes, they can choose suicide if they make wrong decisions that affect their economic lives or result of thing that go wrong. Especially, unemployment or being unable to get the deserved salary of work are among the main pressures that cause people to commit suicide. As bills accumulate at the end of each month, stress and pressure on people increase. This eventually causes suicide.

    The last cause of suicide is stressful life events. These stressful life events are problems in school or family, school failure, leaving the boyfriend or girlfriend, parents’ deaths or divorce, domestic violence. These incidents affect the inner world of people and cause a decrease in despair, self-esteem and confidence. This is one of the biggest reasons that lead people to suicide. According to the findings of Eskin, Akoğlu and Uygur in 2006, both suicidal thoughts and attempts are generally observed in people who have excessive traumatic events and their problem-solving skills are inadequate.

    All in all, it seems to me that there are a number of causes of suicide. Among these causes, illnesses, bad straits and stressful life events come forward. A person who is depressed often thinks that everyone is happier without him. Especially, unemployment or being unable to get the deserved salary of work are among the main pressures that cause people to commit suicide. According to the findings of Eskin, Akoğlu and Uygur in 2006, both suicidal thoughts and attempts are generally observed in people who have excessive traumatic events and their problem-solving skills are inadequate. I think if suicide can be noticed at the time, suicide can be prevented. My advice is that people who tend to commit suicide go to the doctor. People should not forget that suicide is treatable disease.