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How to Succeed in Life

“Finding your ultimate purpose in life is the only wealth worth finding,” says David Frost in his book. Have you found your eventual aim in life? According to a survey conducted in the UK in 2017, the majority of people’s final aim is to be successful in life. Whether it means being healthy, having a great career, being rich, or winning awards, success has been something everyone wants considerably from past to present. Success gives us a good reputation and recognition in our society. It lets us know whether we have made an impact in a competitive world. Without possessing a few necessary skills, success is nearly impossible, however. From my point of view, there are three requisite attributes to be successful in life: passion, optimism, and commitment.

The first vital trait to be successful in life is passion. Firstly, the passion intensifies our focus. By way of illustration, when people are passionate about doing something, they enter the flow state and become fully immersed in work. It should be kept in mind that the more concentration a person can devote to one task, the greater the quality of work a person will produce. Secondly, with desire, the ingenuity process is enhanced, and people tend to come up with more innovative ideas. Many studies show that the more passionate people are to work, the more links between regions of the brain that are associated with creativity. Lastly, passion elevates our motivation. To illustrate, desire maintains a fire inside us that keeps our morale up in the low times and holds us on to our work. In other words, passion is an energy resource that fuels our success in life. All in all, there are some reasons why I strongly believe that passion is a necessary quality to be successful in life.

The second crucial feature to be successful in life is optimism. For one thing, positive thinking is a life-saving trait to have if you want to be successful in life, as it helps to keep trying no matter what hurdles you come across, and not be disheartened if you fail. For instance, according to a study conducted in the USA in 2018, whereas 67 percent of optimist people can overcome formidable obstacles, which they encounter on the way to becoming successful, 23 percent of pessimist people can tackle these barriers. For another thing, having an optimistic attitude reduces the level of stress, the enemy of success. Excess stress triggers a “freeze” response that can limit the brain’s ability to think properly, but, thanks to hopefulness, people can minimize their stress, and can be more open-minded. To summarize, in my opinion, optimism is absolutely a key constituent to catching success in life for several reasons.

The last essential quality to be successful in life is commitment. In the first place, devotion makes people feel more confident due to the satisfaction that comes from fulfilling tasks. In this way, I think people become more courageous and take risks, which is key to success. In the second place, commitment provides us with eradicating distractions. Facing many distractions on the way to find success is inevitable. However, my opinion is that if devotion is strong enough, we can fend distractions off easily. Apart from this, with powerful dedication, we can eliminate procrastination, which is a massive barrier on the way to success. In conclusion, it appears to me that commitment is a great trait to have if you want to be successful in life.

Taking everything into account, I fervently believe that being successful will become much easier provided that we will cultivate these three requisite attributes: passion, optimism, and commitment. If I explain briefly why these three qualities are necessary to finding success in life, with passion, people become more attentive, creative, and motivated. Optimism provides us with insisting on achieving goals and being calmer. Last but not least, with the help of commitment, we become more confident, and we have more immunity to distractions. Although I mentioned these above, there are numerous distinct paths to reach success in life. My advice is that before embarking on the road to success, people should research what they need to do to achieve their goals, and compensate for their shortcomings accordingly.