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Why Being an Only Child is Better?

Although some of the kids would like to have siblings, I think being the only child is better than having siblings for a few reasons. The first reason is that you can have more oppurtunities for yourself in the house as an only child. For example, everyone, from seven to seventy, wants to have more comfort, freedom and personal space. Likewise, children do not agree to have limited space and privacy by having a sibling. Secondly, children without siblings are much happier than those with siblings. According to the research carried out at Yale University in 2007, being the center of all your parents’ attention, not taking part in a competitive environment, and not getting involved in a conflict with siblings  affect the only child’s mood positively. Finally, an only child is able to take advantage of all his family’s belongings by himself after his parents’ death. Parents generally leave the entire inheritance to their only kid, which is better than having an inheritance conflict between siblings. In short, compared to having siblings, being the only child is more preferable for several reasons.