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Bad sides of internet for children

Spending time on the computer used to be fun when we were a child, but it is crystal clear that it has lots of bad impacts on us as a child. Firstly, children are getting lazier because of spending a huge amount of time on the internet. Especially computer games affect children’s mental health negatively.  Secondly, the tendency to violence among children increases because of the violent contents on the internet. Most children are subject to scenes of fights or murders when they have the chance to enter YouTube.  Thirdly, children can get in touch with evil people via internet. Such people may abuse children in diverse ways. Finally, children waste their time on the internet and they become asocial over time. We should enable our kids to play with other kids and socialize with each other in real life. Indeed. parents should take necessary precautions for their children not to be affected by the internet negatively. (by Oğuzhan Özşahin)

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