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Effects of Culture Shock

      People face a lot of problems in their lifetime, and their personalities can be harmed at times. These problems exist in two parts: personal problems and environmental problems. The former including culture shock is more important than the former. Culture shock happens when people go to another country from a different culture. There are many effects of culture shock, such as loneliness, food difference, lack of communication.

     First of all, when people start to live in another culture, they feel alone. They realize that their features are totally different, so that nobody wants to make friends with them. While they are hanging around alone, they get very bored. They start to talk to themselves. Therefore, they may have psychological problems if they continue living there for a long time. Since their friends and family are in their hometown, they try to find ways to go back to their own country. Unfortunately, this is not always advisable. As an illustration, a student shouldn’t return to his country until he completes his education in a foreign country.

     The second effect that cultural shock leads to is that people cannot find edible food for themselves because their cuisine and beliefs are different. Namely, every culture has its own meals. For instance, meals in some cultures are based on meat, whereas those in others depend on vegetables. For this reason, people have hard time adapting themselves to the food abroad. Therefore, they either walk around hungry or eat unhealthy food. This may cause them to have an illness.

   Third, if a person goes to a country and doesn’t speak its language, he will definitely have difficulty in communicating with other people. For instance, they do not find where and how they should go easily. Moreover, they can be deceived or overcharged by malevolent people, and thus they may have economic problems. As a result, culture shock can be prevented if a visitor learns the target country’s language before he goes there.

     In conclusion, problems of desolation, different cuisine, and an unfamiliar language are the leading effects of cultural shock. People should learn about the culture of the country which he will visit and take necessary measures in advance. In my opinion, people should be ready to live abroad by reading about other cultures and they had better learn about how to behave accordingly in there.

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