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Is death penalty essential?

Most people know that committing an offense is unacceptable and before perpetrating a crime, a person must think twice about what the punishment will be in return. If a punishment is heavy, most people will not violate laws or commit a crime. Of all these punishments, the most severe one is death penalty. It has been used by many communities in the past to punish a crime and to suppress political and religious conflicts. At the moment, 58 countries are still using death penalty but our country, Turkey, is not one of them. With the crimes committed in our country, a question arises in our minds: “Is death penalty essential?” It has been a controversial issue for ages. Some people defend the idea that it is necessary but other people totally think the opposite. From my point of view, the death penalty should not carried out under any circumstances.

The people who support death punishment allege that it dissuades people to commit a crime and with this punishment, some penalty like murder is punished deservedly.  Finally, set out here is not dissuading people who commit a crime or intend to commit a crime. The original purpose is providing justice and the trust which has justice. Besides, death penalty is disincentive to murder in the future. The people who commit murder think once more and they are aware of the homicide kills them, too. Finally, aggrieved family believes that fairness come into its own, and this punishment appease their conscience even if just a drop. In short, some people support death punishment, for they think this is the best bet to punish guilty people.

The people who object to death punishment allege that it treads the civil liberty, if cause for wrong execution, and life imprisonment is sufficient for big crime. Firstly, death penalty violates the 5th article of the civil liberty. According to this article, ‘Nobody tortures or treats tyrannously and injuriously to somebody’. Secondly, some guilty people, before few minutes to their execution, wow excused, acquitted or allowed for new indictment. For example, In America, 100 guilty people got rid of execution, since 1976. Also, In United Kingdom, the cases which review ended up recently. Of all these people who get hanged in 1950-1953, one person was excused and three people was acquitted. This instance is a great lost for us. Thirdly, wild execution methods, like starving, crushingly, electrocute, execution, open psychological wound in people. In addition to this, death penalty prevents to find the right way of guilty people. However, the most important plea is that it does not dissuade culprits to commit a crime. For example, USA who supports death punishment has a higher crime rate than European countries who object death penalty. Moreover, we have an option that is life imprisonment, with this punishment, offenders cannot get rid of this crime easily, they will twist in the wind throughout their life. In conclusion, death penalty is not essential and it is a subhuman punishment.

All in all, both sides have cogent grounds in their own way to defend the issue. One of the sides think that death penalty is necessary but the other side does not think so. As far as I am concerned, the idea that the latter supports is more reasonable since nobody deserves to die as a punishment no matter what crime or sin he/she has committed. That is why death penalty is something diabolic and barbarous.

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